Monday, October 7, 2013


Well, I guess I am in journaling mood this morning.  I am going to take a few minutes to write about you!

Sophie Su...oh, how I love you!  I can't believe that in three months you will be turning 4!!!  Over the last few weeks, you have blossomed into a very caring/helpful person along with being sensitive...and I don't mean sensitive in a bad way. :)  Yes, there are times when you are in new situations and you get upset, but I totally get that because Mommy was like that when I was little...and to be honest I still get worked up on the inside when I am in a new situation. :)  The sensitive that I am talking about here is being aware of others around you. 

When one of your siblings is upset, you usually are the first one to notice.  And you try to think of something that would make them happy...a toy to play with, a hug to give, a pat on the back, an it-will-be-ok.   I love this compassion that you are already displaying at this young of an age.  When you get in trouble or have hurt someone's feelings, you are pretty quick to apologize and make things right.  When I need help with cooking or doing things around the house, you are quick to want to help.  I have also noticed that you have a desire to pray.  When we are saying our prayer in the morning and at night, I know at some point you will jump in there to pray for someone or ask God to help you and/or our family in whatever situation.  Sophie, I pray that these characteristics will continue to grow in you...that you will always take the time to care for those around you, that you will always take the time to make things right and that your first response in any situation will be to get on your knees in prayer.  I love you, Sophie Sugai, and I am so proud to be your momma!