Yesterday morning as we got up and were getting ready to drive to NC,
Sophie had told my mom that her stomach hurt. She had told me Sunday
night after dinner that her stomach hurt, but I thought it was because
she had three helpings of dinner. She never eats that much, but after
spending most of the afternoon in the pool, I thought she was hungry. A
little while later, she was outside running around, so I thought she
was feeling better.
When I heard that her stomach was still hurting, I just wanted to cry. We had already delayed our trip a day because Kyrie had been running a high fever. Her fever had come down enough and her spunky personality had come back, so I figured she was well enough to travel. Instead of making a decision in that moment, I decided that I was going to go take a shower and just talk with God about what I should do.
As I was taking my shower, I asked God why all this was happening. I shared that we were just trying to get to VA so we could get settled so we could start the ministry He was calling us to (like He needed for me to tell Him that!! Hahaha!!) And then I asked Him for some insight because I didn't want to travel if He didn't want me to. Then as I waited, I heard the word "personality." I stood puzzled and asked, "Personality? What does that mean?" And in that moment a flood of memories came back from my childhood days of moving because my dad was in the Air Force. I remembered getting anxious before a move...I remembered getting sad leaving the few friends I had made...I remembered the stomachaches. I thanked the Lord for revealing this information to me, and I finished getting ready so I could go talk with Sophie.
I called her into my bedroom and asked her if she thought her stomach hurt because she was sick or if something else was bothering her to make her stomach hurt. Then she was cuddled next to me crying. I just held her and rubbed her back. After she calmed down a bit, she told me that she was sad to be leaving her Awana friends...nobody specific, but just being at Awana with her friends. Since we are both introverts, I totally could relate to wait she was feeling. I shared with her about the difference between an extrovert and an introvert. I explained to her that we are both introverts. I related to her about how I felt when I was her age and had to move. And then, we prayed. We prayed for God to bring peace to her heart. We prayed for safe travels. We prayed for that special friend that God already knows about just for Sophie.
I thanked God for that moment because being an introvert I saw the amazing-ness of the fact that she shared with me something so personal. I was thankful because she trusted me enough to share her worries. I was thankful because we had this opportunity to bond as mother and daughter.
I share this to ask you for prayers for Sophie...and Kyrie. To pray that God will send that special friend for them. I also share to encourage you to go before God with anything and everything. He STILL speaks to us. He STILL gives us insight into situations. He STILL wants to lead and guide our every step and decision. He STILL wants to walk with us through each and every moment of every day. All we have to do is BE STILL.
This morning as I was waiting for the kids to get up, I came across this verse! How AMAZING is He?!?!
When I heard that her stomach was still hurting, I just wanted to cry. We had already delayed our trip a day because Kyrie had been running a high fever. Her fever had come down enough and her spunky personality had come back, so I figured she was well enough to travel. Instead of making a decision in that moment, I decided that I was going to go take a shower and just talk with God about what I should do.
As I was taking my shower, I asked God why all this was happening. I shared that we were just trying to get to VA so we could get settled so we could start the ministry He was calling us to (like He needed for me to tell Him that!! Hahaha!!) And then I asked Him for some insight because I didn't want to travel if He didn't want me to. Then as I waited, I heard the word "personality." I stood puzzled and asked, "Personality? What does that mean?" And in that moment a flood of memories came back from my childhood days of moving because my dad was in the Air Force. I remembered getting anxious before a move...I remembered getting sad leaving the few friends I had made...I remembered the stomachaches. I thanked the Lord for revealing this information to me, and I finished getting ready so I could go talk with Sophie.
I called her into my bedroom and asked her if she thought her stomach hurt because she was sick or if something else was bothering her to make her stomach hurt. Then she was cuddled next to me crying. I just held her and rubbed her back. After she calmed down a bit, she told me that she was sad to be leaving her Awana friends...nobody specific, but just being at Awana with her friends. Since we are both introverts, I totally could relate to wait she was feeling. I shared with her about the difference between an extrovert and an introvert. I explained to her that we are both introverts. I related to her about how I felt when I was her age and had to move. And then, we prayed. We prayed for God to bring peace to her heart. We prayed for safe travels. We prayed for that special friend that God already knows about just for Sophie.
I thanked God for that moment because being an introvert I saw the amazing-ness of the fact that she shared with me something so personal. I was thankful because she trusted me enough to share her worries. I was thankful because we had this opportunity to bond as mother and daughter.
I share this to ask you for prayers for Sophie...and Kyrie. To pray that God will send that special friend for them. I also share to encourage you to go before God with anything and everything. He STILL speaks to us. He STILL gives us insight into situations. He STILL wants to lead and guide our every step and decision. He STILL wants to walk with us through each and every moment of every day. All we have to do is BE STILL.
This morning as I was waiting for the kids to get up, I came across this verse! How AMAZING is He?!?!