cute story...a couple of weeks ago, Ms. Tammy came for a visit. You
and Josiah headed to the basement to spend some time with her. You were
telling her how you wanted to be a princess. She told you that you
already were. You then told her that you knew that you are
princess...God's princess and that Jesus is your King...(By the way, you
are so right!!)...but you told her that you didn't have a crown to show
everyone that you are a princess. Josiah then went over to you and
gave you a hug and put his hand over your head and told you that the
crown was right there. You then told him, that nobody could see the
crown. You kept saying that you knew you are the King's princess, but
that you just needed a crown so everyone could tell. So Ms. Tammy went
and bought you a crown, so you can let everyone know that you are the
King's princess!
I love you so much, Sophie! I pray you never forget that you are the King's princess and that He loves you very much!
Well, I guess I am in journaling mood this morning. I am going to take a few minutes to write about you!
Su...oh, how I love you! I can't believe that in three months you
will be turning 4!!! Over the last few weeks, you have blossomed into a
very caring/helpful person along with being sensitive...and I don't
mean sensitive in a bad way. :) Yes, there are times when you are in
new situations and you get upset, but I totally get that because Mommy
was like that when I was little...and to be honest I still get worked
up on the inside when I am in a new situation. :) The sensitive that I
am talking about here is being aware of others around you.
one of your siblings is upset, you usually are the first one to
notice. And you try to think of something that would make them
happy...a toy to play with, a hug to give, a pat on the back, an
it-will-be-ok. I love this compassion that you are already displaying
at this young of an age. When you get in trouble or have hurt
someone's feelings, you are pretty quick to apologize and make things
right. When I need help with cooking or doing things around the house,
you are quick to want to help. I have also noticed that you have a
desire to pray. When we are saying our prayer in the morning and at
night, I know at some point you will jump in there to pray for someone
or ask God to help you and/or our family in whatever situation.
Sophie, I pray that these characteristics will continue to grow in
you...that you will always take the time to care for those around you,
that you will always take the time to make things right and that your
first response in any situation will be to get on your knees in
prayer. I love you, Sophie Sugai, and I am so proud to be your momma!
this morning the Hootie Hoos came into our room after the awakened. As
usual, we had our cuddle time which includes chatting and saying a
prayer for the day. I was asking Josiah and Sophie if they had any
dreams. Josiah proceeded to share his dreams. I then asked Sophie if
she had an dreams. Her response, "Mommy, I want to go to heaven." I
explained to her like I have done before that a person needs to give
their life to Jesus before they can go to heaven. I asked her if she
had done that before. She told me that she hadn't, but wanted to.
Josiah interjects and informed us all that he had already done that...I
love that kid!!
I could tell that Sophie was really thinking about things, so I had
Josiah go to his room to read a book and asked Chris to come back into
the room. We talked with her for a little bit and then she wanted to
pray to ask Jesus to take control of her life. She was very emotional
during the prayer. I really feel like God is moving in her life, and
she can tell He is there. Her whole personality has changed...she can't
do enough for people, is full of compliments/encouragement.
be in prayer as God continues to move in her life. That she will feel
His presence and that we as her parents will continue to affirm her and
be an example for her. That this work that has started will be
you have been a part of our family for 3 years now...I can't believe it
has been that long. You have blessed our life beyond our wildest
dreams...we are so thankful that God chose us to be your Mommy and
Daddy. We love your spunky little spirit...you don't always want to
listen or take our advice, but once you decide that our idea is a good
one, there is no turning back. I know the Lord will use this one day to
do great and mighty things for His Kingdom. Once you are firm in the
faith, I know people won't be able to sway you from your convictions.
You also have a very tender heart. When you see someone who is hurting
or sick, you apologize. I love the compassion that the Lord is already
growing in you. You are also turning into a polite little
girl...thanking people when they compliment you or when they do
something nice for you.
I look forward to seeing how God is
going to fine tune these characteristics. We love you very much, Sophie
Sugai, and are so proud to have you in our life.
This girl melts my heart |
LOVE that smile! |