A cute story...a couple of weeks ago, Ms. Tammy came for a visit. You and Josiah headed to the basement to spend some time with her. You were telling her how you wanted to be a princess. She told you that you already were. You then told her that you knew that you are princess...God's princess and that Jesus is your King...(By the way, you are so right!!)...but you told her that you didn't have a crown to show everyone that you are a princess. Josiah then went over to you and gave you a hug and put his hand over your head and told you that the crown was right there. You then told him, that nobody could see the crown. You kept saying that you knew you are the King's princess, but that you just needed a crown so everyone could tell. So Ms. Tammy went and bought you a crown, so you can let everyone know that you are the King's princess!

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